Fart Porn

I had a one night stand once. Unfortunately I had beans and rice the day before. I don't know, I didn't assume I would have the fortune of meeting that guy, I guess ki have to ad that he was a friend of my best friend). So as we where having fun I had to fart. It was a silent cute fart. I was trying to act as if I had no idea of what happened. But apologized several times when he started complaining about what had happened. I was shocked and almost started to cry. It was the most embarrassing thing.

I thought things couldn't get any worse.

He got up, pulled out his wallet and gave me 100 bucks. I refused to take it, he put it on my drawer and left.

I went to a sex shop and asked for a porn which includes farts and that stuff. I got him that and added a nice card with "I like you, even though you smell" written on. I wrote on the back "thank you for leaving your money at my house. I invested it in things you like"

I went to his apartment and left it all wrapped up nicely in a trash bag.

Unfortunately I had to see him every now and then but I pretended as if nothing ever happened. Even though I was slowly dying inside lol.

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ConfessionAlex SherComment