While in college I went out with a group of guys and a girlfriend. We were at a club and dancing. One fella, who was a friend of mine kept coming up behind me to dance. Each time he did, I felt something large and stiff poking me in the back and butt. I moved several times hoping to escape his dance moves without ever looking back at him, but each time, something would start poking me in the lower back side. I quietly approached my girl friend and told her about the unwelcome dance moves, conspicuous bulge, and attempts to escape. She looked over at the guy friend in question and burst into uncontrollable laughter. When I looked to see what she was laughing/crying about I saw that my guy friend had his sweatshirt tied around his waist with it knotted about 4 times. My friend could not resist the opportunity to tell everyone we were with about my mistake. The guy in question, thanked me for my mistake and said he only WISHED it had been his actual erection poking me in the behind! 😂 I nearly died of embarrassment!
Submitted by Nacho average housewife