The Asparagus Gave It Away

Once when I was very very pregnant,my husband and I were waiting in line for ice cream and I happened to get a whiff of something that smelled just like Pee after you eat asparagus and it’s so gross. So I’m looking around trying to figure out where the smells coming from and who are around me has Peed their pants when I realize that I am the one who recently eat asparagus and have Peed my pants.

Submitted by H Marie

ConfessionAlex SherComment
My Revenge Is Finally Complete

My husband had sex with one of my friends, which happened to be the wife of my husband's best friend too. To get revenge, I slept with my husband's co-worker (they were spending 12 hours a day together, 15 days/month). One day, me and this guy were having sex in the car and my husband called me. I obviously did not reply, but then he called this boy for some work arrangements, and he did pick up the phone. I was on top of him while he was talking with my husband on the phone and I was kissing (to read: fu*king) him and moaning in his other ear. I felt soooo good, like my revenge is finally complete. Looking back now, I was a bitch ... Oh and my husband eventually found out that I had cheated on him with this boy ...

Submitted by Anonymous

ConfessionAlex SherComment
A Very Messy Bed

Hey you guys, this one is a weird one. So I’m 48. Single and had a man in his late 20’s chasing me. I knew it was just fwb but hey he was hot and it had been a while. He called me one night to say he was coming over. So quickly ran around tidying up, removing the errant hair here if there. I made my bed. White damask duvet etc and went to do my makeup. Quick check revealed the few grey hairs at my crown of my head and I have dead straight long black hair. So I used a quick root spray on my hair. It’s jet black easy to match. So he arrives, it’s hit and heavy really quickly. He’s very athletic and very sensual running his hands through my hair and we had fun for a few hours. He left around 1am and I saw him out if my apartment and noticed when he touched my wall he left a hand print. That wasn’t the worst if it. I turned around, walked to my bedroom and looked at my bed. It looked like a coal miner Had been rolling around on my bed for hours. My face had black sploges all over it. Part of my body and I could have cried. Haven’t seen him since but honestly I wish I’d taken a photo of the bed.

Submitted by Kate

ConfessionAlex SherComment
I Like That Smell

I love the dusty smell that you get in tube/subway stations. I think it might be because it reminds me of Petrichor (the smell you get after rain on dry soil) I've been told that's weird. Is there a smell that you find pleasant that others don't?

Submitted by Pern

ConfessionAlex SherComment
Mom Guilt Behind Closed Doors

My biggest confessions is how ever much I say I don't care about others opinions I still put on a front for other people, still stress about the perfect family picture, still pretend everything is great, even when I'm dying inside. I think if more people confessed to thier life being a front and loads more goes on behind closed door there would be alot less mum guilt.

Submitted by Anonymous

ConfessionAlex SherComment
Pooping In The Shower

I have a friend who is in a new relationship and she is too nervous to go to the bathroom when he is one day when he was over, she really had to go poo but she couldn't go with him there. So in desperation, she told him she was going to go for a shower and she resorted to pooping in the shower and washing it down the drain and cleaning herself up in the shower.

Submitted by Anonymous

ConfessionAlex SherComment
Hasn't Touched Me For Months

It has literally been months that I have felt like more than a convience to my significant other. He hasn't touched me since close to Valentine's day... I don't know what to do, nothing changes. I can't even get him to pay attention to me 99% of the time. Yet, it's ok for him to be talking to our neighbor and my friends.

Submitted by Anonymous

ConfessionAlex SherComment
I Should Live Alone

Today when I got home from work and went to get the milk from the fridge, there was two bottles of Snapple in the door when the milk should be. And the milk was shoved sideways next to the Romain on some random shelf. I whispered to myself “how is one person so insufferably annoying?!?!? I should live alone.” It was my husband. He’s the one who doesn’t know where the milk goes despite it always being in the same spot. 😑

Submitted by Leenytrenkler

ConfessionAlex SherComment
A New Meaning For Pixie Dust

My son when he was 3 took a twinkle of pixie dust (shit) on the slide in McDonald’s and 3 kids took a ride after him then I noticed what had happened told them staff that someone had twinkled on the slide, it was a real shit show 🤪🧘🏻‍♀️ then we went through drive through and got a coffee for mom, and headed home to dissolve the child in the shower.

Submitted by Andrea

ConfessionAlex SherComment
Control Underwear Came In Handy

Went to a wedding of a family member of my new boyfriend. Got so bored at it, went a bit hard on the tequila, ended up peuking all over the bathroom, only to find there was no toilet paper...... so i took off my control undrwear and wipe my face and hair then called myself a cab in reception, fell asleep on a sofa, said boyfriend found me, startled me awake and into peuking again, all over reception this time..... aaaaannnnnd many years later we got married in that same hotel 🤣🤣

Submitted by Annoymouse

ConfessionAlex SherComment
He Wants To Eat My Goodies

Don't judge me I am almost 30 years old and my daughter's dad in jail at the moment and he's been jealous since 3 days after I had our youngest daughter which is now two months and now I'm at the point where I want to have a little bit of fun I have my tubes tied now so I don't have to worry about anyting and I don't know how long my daughter's Dad's going to be in jail mind you the whole time I was pregnant he was out running around doing every wanted while I was at home pregnant taking care of not only my kids but his kids as well and the confession starts, my daughter's dad's 2 does not like me on Facebook at all he's so jealous he can handle it although I have to accept every thing that he throws at me anyways I've kind of been talking to an old fling great guy blah blah blah blah not looking to date or nothing but anyways he wants to take me out and now we've probably been talking for a few weeks and he starting it to get a little brave starting to talk about eating my goodies he says that's it that's all I want to do blah blah blah what the hell do I do this is a confession because I'm maybe even considering I don't know I'm torn up about it because what comes around goes around at the same time I don't know I'm only human I don't know how to do I hope I'm doing this whole confession thing right doing talk-to-text so God only knows what it really says and that's why you are now readingI don't know if this is going to work for this but comment below and I will take y'all's advice hopefully it's what I want to hear love always

Submitted by Anonymous

Getting Frisky On The Sofa All Goes Wrong

Okay, so when I was around 18 and still living at home I had an on off boyfriend. My parents went away with their friends for a long weekend (Thursday to Monday) so he basically came to stay for the whole weekend. As you can imagine we were “making the most” of the time alone, and everywhere in the house. 
Its Sunday night and we’re getting a little frisky on the sofa, when a car pulls up. In a complete panic we shove on our clothes, however not quick enough for our liking and he has to get in an under the stairs cupboard, knowing my parents would go ballistic. I leave him there whilst chatting to them, assuming they’ll want to go an unpack and get themselves sorted but no. They’ve brought chinese and want to sit down all together to eat. 
Long story short he’s in there for a good 2 and a half hours before they go upstairs and I can get him out! Safe to say we were a little more careful after haha

Submitted by  Quick get in!

Secret Relationship With Brothers

I am in a relationship, we have children. We split for a while and I started hanging out with his brother. We ended up in a secret relationship . Now I’m back with my ex but I’m still seeing his brother unknown to him. I’ve tried to break it off several times but I just can’t stay away. I’m a horrible person, I know.

Submitted by Anonymous

My Child Model

Many moons ago when my first born was a toddler (she’s. now 28) I helped run a mums and tots group we did a charity fashion show with a local kids clothes shop, there was one space left and a mum asked if her child could take part but I said no, they have enough child models. Then I told the shop we couldn’t get enough volunteers but if they wanted I didn’t mind my daughter doing it.. I still feel a little guilty about it now, just a teeny tiny bit.

Submitted by Ursala

I Stuffed My Face

So me and my husband are supposed to be on a diet cool okay we've been sticking with it well last week was Halloween and we come home from trick or treating with the kids he has a bucket full of candy now .... My husband noticed some missing this morning and he looked at me and asked if I ate some...I said no... Truth is I sat in the kitchen when everyone was asleep and stuffed my face! 

Submitted by KitKat

I Love To Watch Porn!

 I’m a married mom of two beautiful babies, I have been with my husband for 12 years who I love very much but haven’t told him my little secret that I love to watch porn! Yes I’m a girl who enjoys to watch porn! I felt guilty and dirty before but I know that there’s nothing wrong with watching it from now and then! I want to be able to tell him so we could both enjoy it but still feel embarrassed! Watching it relaxes me for some reason I usually watch it at night when everyone goes to sleep btw me and my husband sleep in separate bedrooms because my 9 year old child won’t sleep by himself and I co sleep with my 2 year old! We don’t really get a lot of sexy time because of that and also because he’s working late hours too  I guess that’s why I watch porn! But yeah that’s my confession! Not a real bad one !

Submitted by Anonymous

Internet pleasure

I have begun a conversation with a guy I have known for a long time. My husband is aware and fine with it. I am hoping to rendezvous with him soon. He's a dom and into bdsm! I have been wanting to try this FOREVER!! I think he is getting pleasure out of prolonging it. I'm trying to be patient but he posts the hottest fucking memes... We have so much in common interest wise. I can't wait to find out about in the bedroom!!!

Submitted by Kitty

Revenge Is Sweet

Confession: When I was younger I found out my bf who I was living with cheated on me. I moved out that very day and before I left I scrubbed the toilet with his toothbrush and put it back.

Submitted by Anonymous